Welcome to the team!

Frau mit Stuhl

Your Journey Begins

A new job is always exciting and comes with lots of new challenges. But no need to worry: We will have you settled into your new role in no time. Of course it is important to us that you get on well with your team, but we also want to ensure that you quickly feel confident in your new role and responsibilities. To that end, every member receives an individual onboarding program. You will learn all about your own unit and also get a comprehensive insight into the company as a whole. Your mentor will be on hand to help and advise during this onboarding phase too.

This site contains all the information you need to get off to a successful start: the details of the onboarding process, FAQs, contact persons and other important information.

Your Onboarding Journey in Detail

Your Contract Offer

We were impressed by your application, and we have got to know each other better. You were equally impressed by us, and so we have made you an offer. Usuallly, you will receive your employment contract in digital format via email. This conserves resources and protects the environment. Once you have signed the contract, we will mail you a copy of the digitally signed employment contract. Your acceptance of our offer marks the first milestone on our onboarding journey. Congratulations! We are excited for you to join us!

Your Access to Our Onboarding Portal

You will be given access to our onboarding portal before your first day at work. In this portal, you can enter the information we need to prepare for your first day and ensure you get off to a great start. The portal also provides further information about us and the onboarding process. Of course, you can also find us on social media (@Instagram, @LinkedIn), where you can gain an exciting insight into our world before you join it.

Your First Day with Us

You will receive an email with information on the specific arrangements for your first day at work in plenty of time. Then it is finally time for the day itself: We will welcome you to the team on the first day of the month at a special welcome event. This event will cover all the key things you need to know about Schwarz as an employer and how to get off to the best start with us. You will learn who your points of contact are and get the opportunity to meet other new employees. You will also receive your work equipment, of course. We will make sure that you are well catered for with a tasty breakfast and joint lunch. Finally, your manager and mentor will welcome you to your workplace and introduce your team and the administrative office. If you do not start at the beginning of a month, the process is a little different. You will receive your work equipment on your first day and meet your manager, mentor and team straight away.

Our Welcome Event

On your first day at work, you will receive a colorful mix of the most important topics about your new employer and your optimal start with us. You will get to know different contact persons and be able to exchange ideas with other new team members. We also take care of your physical well-being with a delicious breakfast and lunch.

Your Individual Onboarding

Your manager has worked with the administrative office to put together an individual onboarding plan for you. This plan will cover the key interfaces, onboarding with the department and, where applicable, with Sales. You can view the specific content and schedule at any time in your onboarding plan.

5 Sterne Bewertung

Kununu Bild Your Opinion Matters!

Rate Your Application Process on kununu
You have been with the company for a little while now, so we would appreciate it if you could share your experience of our application process on kununu, an employer rating portal. Your rating will help give other talented people like you an authentic insight into the process of applying with us. To rate us: Visit our profile on kununu here and click on ARBEITGEBER BEWERTEN [Rate employer]. We look forward to your support!

Is Anything Still Unclear?

No problem – we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers about starting at our company in our FAQs.



Kennenlernen und erster Arbeitstag


Neckarsulm und Umgebung

Mitarbeiter lächelt in die Kamera

Do you still have individual questions?

If you have specific questions about your employment contract, us as an employer or your future job, give us a call or send us an email.

Your recruiter is available as a contact person until the contract is signed. You can then contact your manager directly.